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Girl Scouts Of the Colonial Coast Trolls and Events!

December 29, 2023

As a grandmother, I find myself watching films I would normally have overlooked a few years ago. My four-year-old granddaughter loves pink, especially pink hair; that’s what drew us to a film that hit late in 2023, TROLLS BAND TOGETHER. It was full of cinematic magic and very entertaining — even for adults.

I found myself laughing along with my granddaughter, tapping my toes to the music, and appreciating the voices of actors behind the Troll characters like Anna Kendrick, Zooey Deschanel, and Camila Cabello. TROLLS BAND TOGETHER marks the third feature film and characters that span a variety of television shows, movies, and holiday specials. We follow Branch (voiced by Justin Timberlake) who is trying to reunite his brothers to sing “the perfect family harmony,” a musical arrangement so powerful that it can break a diamond. Then comes the antagonist, Velvet, who traps one of the brothers in a diamond enclosure and… well, you’ll just need to go and see it to find out what happens next.

The film navigates through family disagreements, the challenges of forgiveness, and the meaning of pulling together to live in harmony. Kids will learn lessons about the importance of empathy, communication, and teamwork, as well as the value of strong relationships between siblings. These are things we may not think are so important as we get older, but seeing the film through my granddaughter’s eyes reminded me that they are powerful lessons that connect us. And in today’s world of conflict, this message is more important than ever.

Speaking as one from the Girl Scout ranks, I found it a perfect fit with the Girl Scout Promise and Law. It is no surprise that Girl Scouts and DreamWorks TROLLS BAND TOGETHER have teamed up to explore the Girl Scout Law in a whole new way: from a Troll’s-eye view! Girl Scouts are inviting everyone to do fun activities built around a special Troll patch program. Not a Girl Scout? No problem, you can still download the activity sheet and buy the patch on your own, but if you come to a “Discover Girl Scouts” event hosted by Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast, you’ll have fun doing hands-on activities with other girls in your area and get the patch there — for free!

When TROLLS BAND TOGETHER, they make the world better. When Girl Scouts and TROLLS BAND TOGETHER…well, anything is possible! Find a TROLLS BAND TOGETHER Girl Scout event near you and be ready to have fun, make new friends, and learn more about living in harmony. 

Visit for details.