
Discover the fun, friendship and adventure of being a Girl Scout

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October 4, 2023

Did you know that acts of kindness are linked to increased feelings of well-being? Research shows that kindness and mental health are deeply connected. Performing acts of kindness helps create a sense of belonging, deepens relationships, and reduces stress! (All good things.) Helping others improves our support networks and encourages us to be more active, which in turn can improve self-esteem — just what we want for kids today as they face so many challenges. Whether it’s navigating the ebbs and flows of changing emotions or learning how to resolve conflicts with friends, life inevitably presents them with a variety of surprises. 

Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast has kicked off a Spread Kindness campaign with the help of several community partners. Families interested in learning more about Girl Scouts are invited to attend a free Spread Kindness event and take part in fun activities and games. (A community service aspect is also included — those planning to attend are asked to bring a jar of peanut butter for our local food banks!) Families with girls who are already Girl Scouts can also get in on the fun; Girl Scouts can earn a Spread Kindness patch by doing fun activities that focus on helping others. 

In this increasingly complex and stressful world, the imperative to cultivate skills nurturing mental wellness has never been more pronounced, particularly among the younger generation. Equally vital is our role as champions, guiding them through the intricate landscape of their emotions. It can be as simple as role-modeling kindness and helping kids to see the world through kind eyes.

While everyone experiences struggles and we can’t predict what challenges may come our way, we can give kids a safe, supportive community where we can express our emotions and advocate for each other with kindness and respect. With the help of adult champions, they will be able to navigate school, social media, changing emotions, friendships, and other pressures with confidence.

Learn more about Spread Kindness events at or explore free Girl Scouts Mental Wellness activities.